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ok how long does it really take..............
Posted by zeke22
4/29/2012  8:19:00 PM
Have been reading a few threads here as well as checking the internet. This place looks best for information and hope some advice can be given.

Have always been reticent to attempt dancing. Fearful of attempting even at a wedding but had always wanted to be in on the secret so walked into a dance studio. Arthur Murray. I've had my first lesson and have done the 4 private lesson intro and attended the group / practice sessions twice weekly for the last 5 weeks and have also signed on for another 4 privates to be taken over the next month. The beginning of a "pre bronze" plan that is to be complete at the end of a total of 25 privates augmented with a group / practice session weekly for a total of 75 45 minute segments. (doing an extra group / practice weekly so will be at 125 segments if able to make all) So far. I've received value in that at least the trepidation regarding even attempting has disipated and could manage a simple waltz or do a "very" basic foxtrot / rumba /in a pinch and have a passing familiarity with tango / meringue / east coast swing (at least enough to recognize them when watching though participation without a teacher ......another story)

Wondering if I have just bitten off more than I can chew. I like the looks of what others can do but it seems the possibility of my achieving anything more than basic is unlikely without amping up the effort to an extent that may well be untenable cost or effort wise.

I do enjoy it but if there isn't a radical improvement in shorter order than at present it seems I may be better off just going to a group class here and there to see where it leads. Maybe a specific dance being focused on weekly or some such thing. The way I now see it now, it would be better to join with a partner and practice / progress together. With the cost of private lessons it seems necessary to practice between lessons or the cost is prohibitive. If it starts to seem like expensive pre paid taxi dancing I'll leave it alone anyway but would like to know if it is truly possible to be proficient going about things the way I've described and if so, over what time frame should I be looking at on the schedule mentioned.

I'd also like to know what portion of the populace knows these dances. Am I going to end up at a wedding and not be able to use anything but the basics anyway.

Thanks in advance

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